
Showing posts from August, 2020

Introducing ICT to Asylum Seeker and Refugee Women

Introducing ICT to Asylum Seeker and Refugee Women This year I had the privilege of introducing a small group of asylum seeking and refugee women to ICT skills for the first time. These ladies have had little or no experience with using laptops or computers and were desperate to learn. Some of them had very little English and low literacy (zero beginners) and others could read and write quite well (Entry 1+). None of these ladies knew anything about computers and had not had the opportunity to learn before- they may have spent years living in a refugee camp or been denied access to ICT education. None of these ladies had an e-mail address, but they were desperate to have one and learn how to use it! First of all, we started the classes by learning basic computer skills and how to type. My students were used to do everything with one finger on their phones, so they tried typing everything with just their index finger (this proved quite time consuming). I was able t...

Level 1 and 2 ESOL and Functional Skills Worksheets

I've uploaded more Level 1 and Level 2 ESOL and Functional Skills worksheets to my blog. Check them out here on: Here are a few examples: Presentations: Presentation Plan Presentation about Food Grammar: Tense Review Worksheet Writing:   Write a letter of complaint about windmills Write about a traditional story

My Journey of Teaching Illiterare and Low Literacy Adult ESOL Pre-Entry Learners

My Journey of Teaching Illiterate and Low Literacy Adult ESOL Pre-Entry Learners: I have been teaching Pre-Entry (Absolute Beginner) adult learners for the last 3 years and have to say it is one of my favourite ESOL levels  [1] . This is because you see students make an incredible amount of progress in a short time, and because you are helping students to make their first steps in understanding English. This year, in my low Pre-Entry class I was presented with a new challenge of teaching students with zero or very low literacy in their first languages as well as in English. These students had never been to school before or had little or no access to education in their home countries. Some of them could read a little Arabic or Farsi, but really struggled understanding the English alphabet, as it is in a completely different script. I also taught a student from Guinea whose first language had no written form and was only spoken. This wasn't on my Cert-TESOL course...

TEFL vs ESOL Teaching

  TEFL vs ESOL Teaching: I’m often asked what are the main differences between teaching TEFL and ESOL in the UK? After all teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) sounds pretty similar to teaching English as a second language (ESOL), doesn’t it? I’ve spent several years working for both the TEFL and ESOL sectors in Plymouth, UK. I’ve taught in two private TEFL language schools and also at an ESOL school. Nowadays, I tend to teach ESOL students from September to June and then in private TEFL school in July and August  [1] .   Generally, I would describe the main difference between TEFL and ESOL in the UK, is that students in private TEFL language schools come to learn English for a short period of time (either for a holiday or course) with the intention of returning to their home country afterwards or going on to study at a university in the UK. The ESOL sector, on the other hand is for students who have moved to the UK permanently. This could be because they...

Entry 1 Grammar Worksheets

Check out my new Entry 1 Grammar worksheets: Be with I and You in + - and ? Be with He, She and It in + - and ? Be with We and They in + - and ? Wh- Questions: Wh- Questions and answers using be : Present Simple Verb Examples and Activities: Be and Present Simple Word Order: